Thursday, February 15, 2007

Daniel Bible study starts February 27!

Explore Beth Moore's newest study, the Book of Daniel!

Divided into 2 parts, the first portion, Lives of Integrity (Daniel 1-6), deals with the life of the prophet and is extremely contemporary. Daniel faced pressures and temptations similar to those of a Christian in today's world. He teaches and models for us how to develop enduring integrity in an enticing world.

The second half, Words of Prophecy (Daniel 7-12), turns to explore the prophecies of Daniel. It deals in-depth with the historical details, predictions, and fulfillments detailing history from the time of Daniel, through the inter-biblical period, the time of Christ, and on to the second coming of Christ.

When: Tuesday 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Date: February 27-May 15

Place: Hillcrest Church, 12123 Hillcrest Road, Dallas

Workbook cost: approximately $15, available at Lifeway Stores. Lifeway will also have the workbook available for sale at the Beth Moore Simulcast February 24.

Childcare: Provided by reservation only (call 972 392-3992, ext. 104)

Signups begin THIS Sunday in the atrium, or call the church office.

Hope to see you there!

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